6 de abril de 2009

La República Checa pregunta a Obama acerca de la Democracia.


MEPs, members of the Czech Parliament, mayors, scientists of different European countries as well as tens of international organizations have endorsed a letter sent to the American President asking him to give up the Star Wars project, once and for all.

The United States want to install a military base in the Czech Republic as part of their National Missile Defense project, also known as Star Wars. Even though, for more than two years, two thirds of the Czech population have opposed this plan, the US and Czech governments have signed an agreement for it to go ahead.

A letter signed by its promoters, humanists Jan Tamas and Giorgio Schultze, as well as 46 Czech MPs, amongst which are Jiri Paroubek, former Prime Minister and current General Secretary of the Social Democratic Party, and Vojtěch Filip, General Secretary of the Communist Party.

Other signatories include Jan Kavan, former President of the UN General Assembly, Jan Neoral, spokesperson of the League of Mayors Against the Radar, many MEPs, and Belgian senators. International organizations among the signatories include Greenpeace, Mayors for Peace, Global Network against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space.

Jan Tamas, President of the Humanist Party of the Czech Republic and spokesperson for the Nonviolent Movement Against the Bases, says “we recognize that President Obama is making an effort to diminish nuclear arsenals and is looking for a diplomatic way to face international tensions, but we ask that he listens to the voice of the vast majority of the Czech population and finally gives up on Star Wars.”

According to Giorgio Schultze, European Spokesperson for New Humanism, the National Missile Defense Project has created a fracture inside Europe and new tensions with Russia. “Security issues are important, but they can only be solved if the United States, Europe and Russia collaborate. A project which really aims for international security cannot be solely military.”

During Barack Obama’s visit to Prague, on Saturday, April 4th and Sunday, April 5th, new nonviolent protests are scheduled.

A press conference will take place during Saturday’s demonstration at noon on “Most Legii” bridge in the center of Prague.

Attached is the text of the letter and the list of signatories.

Contact information:

Jan Tamas



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